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Neptune is an interesting planet. You might see Neptune through a telescope on a clear night. This is because it is one of the only distant planets that can be found with a telescope. Scroll down to find out more
Neptune's Symbol
A planet's symbol is based on what the god that the planets have been named after, does as a living. for example, neptune is the god of the sea and he was believed to eat fish so this is his spear.

Neptune's moons
Neptune's moons are fascinating. There are a total of 14 moons orbiting Neptune. This picture shows us the south pole of triton, the biggest, and coldest moon of Neptune. the others are Sao, Hippocamp, Proteus, Despina, Nereid, Thalassa, Galatea, Halimede, Neso, Larissa, Psamathe, Naiad and Laomedeia
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